
Please read the following instructions carefully to ensure a smooth and successful participation:

  • The competition of International Punjabi Language Olympiad 2024 will be held in three categories (3rd to 5th, 6th to 8th and 9th to 12th class) on 7th and 8th December 2024 as per suitable time zone of different countries. It has to be done online accordingly.
  • For this competition, students from the age of 08 years to the age of 20 years will be able to register according to their current class category.
  • The Board shall reserve the right to cancel the registration if registration is made in the wrong category.
  • Separate syllabus for each category will be available online in PDF format to prepare for the competition.
  • A student of every category can register through his school or personally.
  • The registration fee shall be non-refundable.